Release notes for versions 6.0 to 6.5

Release Date: 13 September 2021
- For Windows 10, Windows 8.1, Windows 8, Windows 7
- Texpress 9.0.01 or later
- TexAPI 6.0.012 or later
- Perl 5.8.8 or later (excluding 5.10.0)

The Axiell EMu Ideas Portal allows you to view and submit ideas to a pool of ideas for future EMu development, vote for ideas, or ask us development questions:

Support for the OpenID Connect authorization protocol has been added to the EMu client. This allows institutions to securely delegate EMu user authentication to an external provider such as Microsoft or Google. The benefits of using OpenID Connect include:
- Improved Security
- Reduced Administration
- Support for Single Sign-On
Full details here.

A French version of the EMu Online Help has been released and is available at:
The EMu client now launches the French Online Help for contextual help requests when French prompts are being displayed.

A new dialogue has been added to make it easier to access detailed error information:
These details can easily be saved or copied to include when reporting issues to Axiell.

- Fixed an issue where the GUID Value could be erroneously populated with Plugin error (GUIDProcess): Client error: Cannot write to pipe values if the background loads were running during database maintenance.
- Fixed the error Column operation performed before row has been accessed when changing the active group during record creation.
- When dropping media onto the Multimedia pane of a record, check that we can edit the record before creating the Multimedia record for the dropped media. If we cannot edit the record, report an error and do not create the Multimedia record.
- Restrict integer values used when searching to the range of values supported by the Texpress version.
- Fixed an issue where the group of the user was not set for any module when module caching was used. This could lead to permission and setting issues as the module settings for that group would not have been correctly loaded.
- Fixed an issue where exhibit event object status values were potentially not synced correctly to the exhibit object record when cleared. Because of this, the status values would be reloaded from the exhibit object on save instead of being cleared.
- Fixed Record Template List index out of bounds error when using the Enter button to move to the next page.
- Fixed an issue where newly created list dialogue items (e.g. Reports or List Views) were not automatically selected when the item's Properties window was closed.
- Fixed an issue where large Scheduled Exports files were truncated at ~2GB.
- The Save Scan format box no longer accepts unspecified file formats.
- Fixed an issue where scheduled export files could not be launched or saved from the Exports module when the export name contained certain characters e.g.
. - Fixed an issue where displaying Field Help on the Multimedia (AllMulTab) tab would show the help for the MulMultiMediaRef_tab column irrespective of the selected field.
- Respect the Sort after Search setting for searches generated from attachment fields.
- Fixed an issue where the text Identifier: (Resource Information) would display instead of the text Multimedia in a field list, for example, when selecting the fields to display in List View mode. The Multimedia field displays a multimedia thumbnail or image.
- Corrected the French translation of the status dialogue presented after adding a record to a Static group.
- Fixed focus moving away from the Narratives module tabs list when displaying the Narrative tab.
Fixed an intermittent TexAPI error Column operation performed before row has been accessed when running reports on an EMu server and client installed on Azure cloud.

Release Date: 18 December 2020
- For Windows 10, Windows 8.1, Windows 8, Windows 7
- Texpress 9.0.01 or later
- TexAPI 6.0.012 or later
- Perl 5.8.8 or later (excluding 5.10.0)

The Axiell EMu Ideas Portal allows you to view and submit ideas to a pool of ideas for future EMu development, vote for ideas, or ask us development questions:
A number of those ideas were included in the EMu 6.4 release, including improvements to:
Ditto All Performance Improvements
GEOLocate Client Modifications
Copy Registry Groups or Users
Darwin Core Resource Relationship Extension Tab
Read the Ideas Portal announcement for more details.

In response to a proposal submitted to the Ideas Portal, the performance of the Ditto All Fields functionality on networks with high latency has been considerably improved.
The improvements reduce the time taken to complete an initial Ditto All Fields operation to roughly one sixth of the previous time and subsequent runs to roughly one quarter of the previous time. Prior to these changes the initial Ditto All Fields operation took longer due to additional processing that was not required on subsequent operations. The initial and subsequent operations now complete in the same time.
Note: This feature requires Texpress 9.0.02 or later.

In response to a proposal submitted to the Ideas Portal, the geographic coordinates of existing record latitude and longitude values are plotted using the GEOLocate client instead of always geo-referencing the record locality values.
To help distinguish between the two cases, the Workbench section of the GEOLocate tab is initially displayed when geo-referencing (this was the previous behaviour) and the Results section, which lists locations, is initially displayed when plotting existing geographic coordinates.
Other minor improvements to the GEOLocate client are:
Improved geo-referencing speed by reducing the number of page loads.
When geo-referencing, prevent the GEOLocate client from defaulting to use "UNITED STATES OF AMERICA" as the Workbench country value when the record does not have a specified country value.

In response to a proposal submitted to the Ideas Portal, functionality has been added to the Registry module Ribbon to allow Administrators to copy all of the Registry entries associated with a group or user to a new group or user.
A server-side command line utility, emureg, has also been added for advanced Registry manipulation by power users. The utility allows:
- Listing all known groups or users.
- Copying all entries associated with a group or user to a new group or user.
- Renaming all entries associated with a group or user to a different group or user.
- Removing all entries associated with a group or user.
- Adding a new user to a group or updating an existing users group membership.
Details here.

In response to a proposal submitted to the Ideas portal and subsequent discussion with the Field Museum of Natural History, the Milwaukee Public Museum and the Smithsonian National Museum of the Natural History, a new Relationship tab has been added to the Catalogue module to support the Darwin Core Resource Relationship Extension:
Note: Enabling the new Relationship tab in your organization's Catalogue module may require some modest customization of the module by Axiell developers. Please contact Axiell Support before your upgrade for details.

The functionality for selecting and viewing multimedia on a module's Multimedia tab has been improved. Multiple thumbnails can be selected in the media image pane and the selected multimedia can be viewed in the Multimedia module using the View Attached Multimedia button or the right-click context menu:
Thumbnail selection options have also been added to the right-click context menu: Select All, Invert Selection and Clear Selection.

Support for the latest version of the Transport Layer Security (TLS) protocol, version 1.3 has been added to EMu. The EMu server may be configured only to accept encrypted connections, otherwise encryption is optional. When configured to use encryption, TLS is used to encrypt data transmission between the EMu client and server.
Note: This feature requires Texpress 9.0.023 or later.

Prevent a possible hang at login when configuring data sources.
Fixed an issue that prevented entering characters using the Alt Graph modifier key on some (non-US) keyboards.
Fixed possible Unknown column name error when moving between rows of link grid in Edit mode.
Fixed an issue that resulted in a Cannot focus a disabled or invisible window error when using the undo / redo functionality and focus moved between controls on different tabs.
Fixed an issue that prevented using the Ditto Current Field functionality on the Value (Edit) field in the Registry module.
Fixed an issue where records used to store and search for text extracted from multimedia files (e.g. PDF files) did not use the same Publish on Internet/Intranet access values as their parent Multimedia record when initially created. Subsequent changes to their parent Multimedia records access values were synced correctly.
Fixed an issue where the emumediacheck utility erroneously reported the presence of files that do not belong to a multimedia record and checksum mismatches for large (> ~2GiB) multimedia files.

Release Date: 07 August 2020
- For Windows 10, Windows 8.1, Windows 8, Windows 7
- Texpress 9.0.01 or later
- TexAPI 6.0.012 or later
- Perl 5.8.8 or later (excluding 5.10.0)

The Axiell EMu Ideas Portal allows you to view and submit ideas to a pool of ideas for future EMu development, vote for ideas, or ask us development questions:
A number of those ideas were included in the EMu 6.3 release, including improvements to:
- Management of archives
- Integrated Pest Management (IPM)
Read the Ideas Portal announcement for more details.

In response to a collaborative request from an archives working a number of changes have been introduced to improve the management of archives. These include:
- One-step sibling / child record creation for faster Archives hierarchy management.
- A new Archival: (Derived) name field in the Parties module, intended to improve cross-matching terminology with other collections.
- An Accession tab for capturing information needed before or during accessioning and before processing.
- An alternative Control Access tab designed to improve cross-matching terminology with other collections.
Note: Enabling the new tabs in your system will require some modest customization of the Catalogue module by Axiell developers. Please contact Axiell Support before your upgrade for details.

In response to a collaborative request from the functionality of the Trap Events module has been extended to allow capturing additional data relating to pest issues associated with museum collections. Changes include:
- Renaming the Trap Events module to Pest Events to better reflect the extended role of the module.
- Two new record types (giving a total of three):
The original Trap Events record type for recording details of what was found in a trap on a given date. Some changes have been made to labels and field layout for consistency with the two new record types.
Visual Inspection
A new record type intended for recording planned environment or specimen inspections.
A new record type intended for recording casual pest sightings. A casual pest sighting is one that occurs outside of a planned Visual Inspection.
- A new Objects tab to record objects or specimens involved in an infestation. The Catalogue module now includes a reverse attachment tab that displays pest events associated with an object / specimen.
- A new Actions tab to record any immediate and long term measures taken to resolve a reported pest presence or issue.

Fixed an issue where a zero could not be specified in the Width or Height edit controls on the Generate Resolution dialogue. Setting a Width and Height of zero will produce an image the same size as the original.
Fixed an issue where the Archive Browse window did not refresh when a record insert was cancelled.
Fixed an issue where dates from the pop-up calendar included an erroneous extra value if the active Date Output format setting included an era format character i.e.
. -
Fixed an issue where focus was not correctly restored to a field after save or when an edit or insert was cancelled. This resulted in, for example, the keyboard shortcuts for the fields associated buttons not working.
Corrected the Museum client, Catalogue module, Summary search tab (QrySumTab), Record Type label to Object Type.
Fixed non-functional Condition Checks module Notes field.

Release Date: 20 December 2019
- For Windows 10, Windows 8.1, Windows 8, Windows 7
- Texpress 9.0.01 or later
- TexAPI 6.0.012 or later
- Perl 5.8.8 or later (excluding 5.10.0)

The Axiell EMu Ideas Portal allows you to view and submit ideas to a collective pool of ideas for future EMu development, vote for those ideas, or ask us development questions:
A number of ideas have already been included in the EMu 6.2 release:
- Filtering and sorting of items listed in dialogue boxes
- Expanded gender identities
- Removed default mandatory colour
Read the Ideas Portal announcement for more details.

It is now possible to filter and sort items listed in dialogue boxes such as the Reports box.
A filter can be used to display a subset of items listed in a dialogue box, which can be useful when many items are listed.
Placing the cursor over a column header will display a Split button:
Clicking the button displays a list of filter values:
Filter values are either:
- a range - numeric (e.g. 0-9) or character (e.g. A-H)
- items in a column, for example types of report in the Type column:
or users in the Owner column:
Select a filter value to list matching items and conceal all others.
For example:
- Select a user from the Owner column in the Reports box to display reports created by the selected owner only:
- Select a range to display items that fall within the range (based on the first character of items listed). For example, only reports with a title beginning with the letters A to H are listed in this example:
More than one filter value can be selected for a column, e.g.:
and, more than one column can have a filter. In this example a filter is applied to the Title column and to the Type column, and only items that match both filters will be listed:
Note: This is a manipulated image for the purposes of illustration, and it is only possible to display filter values in one column at a time.
Note that when a filter value has been selected:
- A tick displays in the filtered column header:
- The Clear Filters
button is enabled.
Select this button to remove any filters and display all available items in the dialogue box.
By default, items listed in a dialogue box are sorted by values in the first column from lowest to highest (e.g. A to Z).
An arrow head in a column header indicates:
- that items are sorted on the values in that column;
- the direction of the sort (
for A to Z in this example):
Items can be sorted on values in any column. Clicking the Owner header would sort items by the creator of reports in this example.
The direction of the sort can be reversed by clicking a column header. In this example, clicking the Title header will reverse the sort and the arrow head will change to .

It is now possible to define gender identities for use in the Parties module.
Previously it was only possible to select a radio button for Female, Male and Unknown. This has been replaced with a drop list control and associated Lookup List in which any gender can be specified.
A Lookup List can be specified by an Administrator to be ReadOnly
(users can only select a value in the list) or ReadWrite
(users can add new values to the list), etc. If a list is set to ReadOnly
, suitably authorized users can specify gender values in the Lookup List module.
See Working with Lookup Lists for details.

The background colour of mandatory fields is set by users on the Colours tab of the Options box. Previously this background colour was white by default, the same as for any other field with no background colour specified.
Administrators can use the Column Colour Registry entry to provide a visual indicator of a field's importance; however if this Registry entry specifies a background colour for a mandatory field, the colour set in the Options box is used instead.
Note: For accessibility reasons, a colour selected by a user in the Options box takes precedence over a colour set in the EMu Registry by an Administrator.
As the default colour for mandatory fields was white, by default there was no visual highlight indicating a field's importance even if a Column Colour Registry entry specified a background colour for the field.
Now, no colour is specified for the background of mandatory fields and a Column Colour Registry entry setting will apply unless a user specifies a colour in the Options box:
Note: A background colour for mandatory fields selected by a user in the Options box still takes precedence over a Column Colour Registry entry.
A Reset button has been added to the Colours tab: select the button to reset the colour of text or mandatory fields to their default colour (None in the case of mandatory fields).

With the Regional Format Registry entry it is possible to search for, enter and display float or currency values using the decimal separator character specified in a user's Windows regional format settings. For example, the decimal separator specified in the Windows regional and format settings for users in the French (Canada) region is a comma. With this Registry entry set to true
, a comma will be used in EMu as the decimal separator when displaying decimal or currency values (e.g. $1900,00) and a comma can be specified when searching for or entering decimal or currency values.
This functionality is disabled by default.
Administrators can specify that the decimal separator used should always be specified by a user's Windows Regional Format settings or that the decimal separator used should be based on the current EMu data language.
This Registry entry can be assigned to users, groups and system-wide.
See Regional Format Registry entry for details.
Region and format settings are now included in the text copied to the clipboard from the Copy to Clipboard button in the About window.

Standard and Attributed Notes tabs can now be added to the Registry module, allowing Administrators to document new or changed Registry entries in the module itself. Administrators can configure which tab(s) to use with the Tabs|Default Registry entry. The tabs use the standard naming convention for EMu Notes tabs:
- Standard Notes tabs: QryNotTab / AllNotTab.
- Attributed Notes tabs: QryNteTab / AllNteTab.

- Fixed an issue where the date picker displayed incorrectly on a scaled display.
- Fixed an issue where the EMu client would stall when moving a module window between scaled displays and the module had a large (e.g. 100,000 records) matching set.
- Fixed an issue that could cause an access violation error when right-clicking a link grid that had context-menu customizations.
- Fixed an issue that may cause errors like <number> is not a valid floating point value when the user's Windows decimal symbol is not set to the full stop character (
). This can occur when, for example, the user's Windows Regional format setting is French (France) or French (Canada). - Fixed an issue where dragging and dropping a module in the Command Centre onto an empty Favourites section did not add the dragged module to the Favourites.
- Fixed an access violation error when using the Import Tool for XSLT processing and the XML or XSL files were not well-formed.
- Added Lookup Lists to the Publication Place field of the Aerial Photograph and Map Series bibliographic types.
- Fixed an error Switch from current encoding to specified encoding not supported when using XSLT processing to transform an XML import file.
- Fixed an issue where the Thesaurus Browse View Tree Sort Order Registry entry was not respected.
- Removed the About window Copy to Clipboard button confirmation dialogue.

Release Date: 20 December 2019
- For Windows 10, Windows 8.1, Windows 8, Windows 7
- Texpress 9.0.01 or later
- TexAPI 6.0.012 or later
- Perl 5.8.8 or later (excluding 5.10.0)

The Axiell EMu Ideas Portal allows you to view and submit ideas to a collective pool of ideas for future EMu development, vote for those ideas, or ask us development questions:
A number of ideas have already been included in the EMu 6.1 release:
- New Condition Update, Re-identification, Relocation & Revaluation Privileges
- Improved Contact Sheet thumbnail drawing
Read the Ideas Portal announcement for more details.

This suite of updates provides support for resizing of the EMu client display on scaled (typically high-resolution) monitors and support for Windows dynamic scaling when moving between monitors with different scaling settings.
Prior to EMu 6.0 support for display scaling relied on the underlying Windows system to stretch the application display. This level of support for display scaling is known as DPI (Dots Per Inch) Unaware. While this did increase the size of the application display to the expected dimensions the whole application would appear blurry. Enhancements to support the highest level of DPI awareness, so-called Per-Monitor V2, have been progressively added to EMu 6.0, culminating in the release of EMu 6.1. This level of support provides a crisp, non-blurry display at the expected dimensions for the level of scaling used and supports dynamic scaling when moving between monitors with different scaling settings.
Details of the resolved display scaling issues are available here.
Further information regarding Windows DPI support can be found on the Microsoft documentation site.

Operations Registry entry privileges have been added for the Condition Update, Re-identification, Relocation and Revaluation tools. Previously, access to these tools required that users were given the Global Replace (daReplace
) Operations privilege. While users with the daReplace
privilege will still be able to use these tools, it is now possible to give users access to each of these tools without also providing them with the Global Replace privilege.
The new privilege values are:
Tool Name | Privilege |
Condition Update | daRecondition
Re-identification | daReidentify
Relocation | daRelocate
Revaluation | daRevalue
Details here.

Improvements have been made to the GeoLocate Web Client Interface as a result of consultation with the Yale Peabody Museum of Natural History (YPMNH). Improvements include:
- Added functionality to allow the column(s) that auto-populate the GEOLocate Locality String value to be configurable in the EMu Registry.
- Auto-populating the Sites module Lat/Long tab Datum field to WGS84 for GEOLocate derived data. This value can be configured in the EMu Registry.
- Auto-populating the Sites module Lat/Long tab Determination Method field with a Registry-defined value for GEOLocate derived data.
- Assigned the destination field for the previously unassigned GEOLocate error polygon value to the Sites module Lat/Long tab Geometry field.
- Changing the destination field for the GEOLocate uncertainty value from Sites module Lat/Long tab Radius (Verbatim) field to the Radius (Numeric) field.
- Auto-populating the Sites module Lat/Long tab Units field to
(meters) for GEOLocate derived data. This value can be configured in the EMu Registry.
Further information can be found here.
Many thanks to Larry Gall (YPMNH) and Nelson Rios (GEOLocate) for their help and feedback.

ImageMagick, which is used by EMu to view and manipulate images, has been upgraded to version 6.9.10. The upgrade fixes a number of issues, provides support for the new image formats and extends RAW (e.g. DNG) file format support via use of the libraw library (, version 0.14.8).

Feature / Improvement | Details |
Improved Contact Sheet thumbnail drawing |
This improvement reduces the time taken to draw Contact Sheet thumbnails and was implemented to address a long-standing but intermittent issue that could cause the Contact Sheet to be cleared and redrawn multiple times during the display of the Contact Sheet. |
Added persistent Registry entries |
Changes to the EMu upgrade procedures mean that EMu Registry entries are no longer reset during an upgrade. This prevents user modified Registry entries (e.g. for Reports) from being reset and allows the possibility to add custom fields to the Registry module (e.g. notes), the values of which would persist between upgrades. |
Added support for 64-bit Microsoft Office Reports |
Support has been added for running reports generated using 64-bit Microsoft Office applications (e.g. Excel). This feature requires that Microsoft Office System Drivers (Microsoft Access Database Engine 2010 Redistributable) are installed. |
Improved multimedia file processing for specific file formats |
The processing of multimedia files containing multiple images (e.g. PDF or TIF files) has been improved. This change significantly improves the time taken to generate image resolutions for large multi-page PDF files. For example, when generating an image resolution of a multimedia file that contains multiple images, only the first image is loaded and used if the destination format does not support multiple images. Prior to this change all images were loaded but only the first was used. If the destination format does support multiple images, all images are loaded and used for the image resolution. |
Added No Date Circa Date field support |
The abbreviation |
Added support for Group-specific Command Centre favourites |
Support has been added to allow the use of different Command Centre favourite modules for each of a user's login groups. |
Added Open dialogue when editing HTML in an external application |
Changes to Microsoft Windows (particularly in Windows 10) have made it difficult to specify the application to be used for editing a particular file type. To make this easier a dialogue has been added to allow users to specify the application to launch when editing HTML files in an external editor. |
Added Loans module Open Loan Status check box |
A check box has been added to the Loans module, Information 1 search tab Loan Status group to allow searching for open loans. |
Changed Ribbon state behaviour |
The module window Ribbon state (e.g. the items contained in, or the position of, the Quick Access Toolbar) is now persisted in the EMu Registry instead of a user's roaming Windows profile. This resolves inconsistencies that could occur when a user changes the computer they use to access EMu. In addition, Ribbon state is now loaded when a module receives focus and persisted when the module loses focus. This means that when two modules of the same type are open, changes to the Ribbon state of the first module will be reflected in the second module when focus changes from one to the other. |
Increased Multimedia metadata field sizes |
The size of the Multimedia module fields used to display metadata information on the EXIF, IPTC and XMP tabs has been increased to make use of the increased module window size. |
Changed Command Centre resize behaviour |
The Command Centre no longer resizes automatically to shrink when it is moved below the bottom of the screen and expand again when moved back up. This change removes behaviour that functioned poorly especially when the Command Centre was expanding again and makes the behaviour of EMu windows consistent and predictable. |
Added Condition module Multimedia tabs |
The standard Multimedia tabs have been added to the Condition module. |
Added Command Centre Remove from Favouites menu option |
A menu option has been added to remove a favourite module when right-clicking its corresponding button in the Modules section of the Command Centre. |
Changed pop-up Field Level Help style |
Some minimal styling changes have been made to the Field Level Help pop-up window to match the main EMu module styling introduced in EMu 6.0. |
Changed button style |
The colour of buttons has been changed from white to grey so they can be more easily identified and visually distinguished from their background. |
Added support for Archive hierarchy natural sorting |
Functionality to allow natural sorting of the Archives hierarchy entries has been added. |

- Corrected scaling of group box headers when the display is scaled.
- Implemented resizing the Ribbon toolbar when the display is scaled.
- Corrected the blurry EMu title bar icon when the display is scaled.
- Fixed an issue where restored module dimensions (e.g. the module height and width when using the Save Last Size Display option) were too large when the dimensions were saved on a scaled display but restored on a display that was not scaled.
- Fixed an issue where controls would overlap when resizing a module on a scaled display.
- Fixed an issue where the media toolbar buttons were partially obscured on a scaled display.
- Fixed an issue where the text for some controls did not scale when moving a module window between monitors with different scaling.
- Fixed an issue where the List View row height was incorrect when a module was opened on a scaled display.
- Fixed an issue where the Command Centre buttons resized incorrectly when the Command Centre was moved to a scaled display.
- Fixed an issue where the Command Centre section headers would did not resize when the Command Centre was moved to a scaled display.
- Fixed an issue on a scaled display where clicking the up / down scroll bar buttons of a Link Grid would not always scroll the grid.
- Fixed an issue where the Command Centre or module windows saved position would not always be correctly restored when the saved position was on a secondary display in a multiple monitor set-up.

- Fixed an issue where the values of a Lookup List in a hierarchy that includes values from a combo box were not correctly filtered after loading default values.
- Using Ditto to populate parent fields no longer allows a circular loop to be created.
- Fixed an issue where Insert Defaults containing newline characters did not load correctly Rich Edit fields.
- Fixed an issue where the Shortcuts View did not update correctly when Default Values were changed.
- Fixed an issue where the Shortcuts View did not refresh correctly after a New Search.
- Fixed an issue where the
utility did not stop local loads when the-L
parameter was used. - Fixed an issue where generating a multimedia resolution that already existed did not update the resolution details.
- Fixed an issue where attachment columns in the Shortcuts View were not updated when a record was attached or a Default Value was loaded to the corresponding field in the module window.
- Fixed an issue where the Shortcuts View was not correctly updated when selecting a record in Archive Browse View or Thesaurus Browse View.
- Fixed a Grid index out of range error that occurred when a Column Access Modifier Registry entry hid information in List View.
- Fixed an intermittent issue when pasting from EMu into Microsoft Excel that resulted in the error Microsoft Excel cannot paste the data.
- Fixed an issue where the value of a combo box would disappear after selecting the down key for the first time and then selecting the tab key to exit the control.
- Corrected the display of Unicode characters in the Multimedia module, EXIF metadata.
- Fixed an issue where the auto fill behaviour of the Taxonomy module Higher Classification tab fields did not function in the same manner when the fields were filled using the Ditto functionality as opposed to when they were manually keyed.
- Fixed an issue where the Tabs pane lost focus in the Multimedia module when navigating away from the Multimedia tab using the arrow keys.
- Fixed an issue where users with Show Hidden lookup permissions could not save records when hidden lookup table entries are selected.
- Correctly disabled all Ditto functionality in the Thesaurus module.
- Fixed an issue where Exhibit Objects module Task notifications were not generated.
- Fixed an issue where the Disable Also Search character (the percent symbol
) was not included when saving a dynamic search group. - Fixed an error Can’t use arithmetic operator on type INTEGER when removing an IRN from a static group.
- Fixed an issue where the Thesaurus module Hierarchy View did not display the correct hierarchy after changing languages.
- Fixed an error Unable to resolve “Key12” when a record column containing the pipe character
is used to look up a Registry module value, for example, when looking up column values for the Image Display Registry entry. - Fixed an issue where the Multimedia toolbar buttons might not have been correctly enabled or disabled when moving between records.
- Fixed an issue where Link Grid controls with the
Column Access permission but not thedvDisplay
permission were shown as read-only in the Display views. - Removed the restriction that prevented some values from being pasted into Search mode fields, e.g. greater-than or less-than characters in a date field.
- Fixed an issue where NOT searches involving fields that were specified to also search other fields (i.e. using the Also Search functionality) returned records that did not correctly match the specified search values.
- Fixed an issue where deleting the last row from the List View when thumbnails were displayed in the list resulted in the error TexAPI Error: End of file. (Number -18).
- Fixed an issue where Security|Update Registry entry values were not applied to Group module records created via the Save Group dialogue.
- Fixed an issue where the Thesaurus module View Attachments functionality did not correctly display Thesaurus record attachments.
- Fixed an issue in Search mode where values entered into some fields of the Collection Events module Aquatic tab were not included in a subsequent search.
- Fixed an issue that resulted in an error like Bad column “SecDepartment_tab” in security profile… when specifying a nested table column in a Security|Update Registry entry.
- Fixed an issue where the error message invalid date format would display when selecting a Pop-up Calendar and the date order of the Date Input and Date Output Registry entries differed.
- Fixed an issue where read-only Link Grid values could be cleared using the Delete key.
- Updated the EMu website URL displayed in notifications.
- Fixed an issue where the List View row numbers did not display correctly in right-to-left language display mode.
- Fixed an issue where the Multimedia tab Multimedia toolbar Attach button was not correctly enabled the first time multimedia was attached after the module was opened.
- Fixed an issue where the audit summary information displayed in the Audit module on the Summary tab did not display all audited changes. All changes were, however, displayed on the Audit tab.
- Fixed an issue where Column Access Modifier Registry entries were not correctly applied in Search mode when a value was selected from a Lookup List.
- Fixed an issue where the format of XMP metadata copied from a master image to derived images (via the Metadata|Embed Registry entry) was incorrect. This prevented viewing the XMP metadata in some other applications (e.g. Adobe Photoshop).
- Fixed an issue where EMu would hang after adding a (non-IRN) thesaurus term to a link grid via the File>Close and Attach menu option.
- Fixed an issue where the
shortcut would not copy text in the Field Level Help window. - Limited the amount of memory that can be used for manipulating images using the ImageMagick libraries to 1.6GiB. This reduces the incidence of memory allocation errors when handling large images.
- Fixed an issue that prevented pasting all multi-lingual values copied from the Lookup Tables module List View.
- Fixed an issue where the Parties module Ribbon did not update correctly after synonym Parties records were added to the matching set.
- Fixed an access violation when viewing or updating an attachment when the Save Last Position option is set.
- Fixed the position of the tabs area when changing between left-to-right and right-to-left language modes.
- Fixed an intermittent issue when selecting a tab in the Tabs pane would not transition to Details View.
- Fixed an issue where Status bar text was mirrored in right-to-left language mode.
- Reverted the appearance of the selected Sort after Search sort back to being displayed in bold text from being displayed in a different colour (which had been a workaround for an issue with the underlying styling functionality).
- Fixed an access violation when viewing or updating an attachment after changing to right-to-left (e.g. Arabic) language prompts.
- Fixed an issue where some Ribbon images were not appropriately mirrored in right-to-left language mode.
- Fixed an issue where two ampersand characters would be displayed instead of one in the group box caption Hybrid & Parentage on the Taxonomy module Classification tab.
- Fixed an access violation when a focused link grid column is hidden by Column Access Registry entry permissions when transitioning between view modes.
- Fixed an issue where an error message, for example A component named CatalogueBtn already exists, would display when selecting the Ribbon File (AKA Application) menu.
- Fixed an issue where the error message Bad Condition Name ConHandlingInstructions or Bad Valuation Name ValReasonForValuation might display when opening a module.
- Fixed an issue where the List View display was muddled in right-to-left language mode when a multimedia thumbnail was included as one of the list columns.
- Fixed an issue where a TexAPI syntax error would occur when including the case-sensitive search operator (
) in the searches of some fields. - Fixed an issue where Tab Switching did not function in Search mode when displaying all languages in a multi-language environment.
- Fixed an issue where the Command Centre Help and Exit buttons did not function correctly when added to Favourites.
- Fixed an issue where non-ASCII characters entered in an HTML display control (e.g. the Narratives module Narratives tab) would be garbled on record save.
- Corrected the Tool Tip Title and Description for the Remove Record Ribbon element from the Selection group.
- Fixed an issue when importing where ANSI encoded characters with diacritics would be garbled.
- Fixed and issue where a blank tab would display accompanied by the message Cannot focus a disabled or invisible window when using the Find a Field utility when a field that is used for Tab Switching had focus.
- Corrected the handling of leap years in the EMu Museum client Catalogue module Condition tab Next Due group Notification Date field.
- Fixed an issue where column headers did not display in a number of list dialogues, for example, the Reports and Sort list dialogues.
- Fixed an issue where an access violation error would occur or the client would hang in certain circumstances when displaying the Archives tab Archive hierarchy.
- Fixed an issue where focus would change to the first field of a tab when saving the record or selecting a value from a field that triggers Tab Switching.
- Fixed an issue in the Multimedia module when generating multimedia resolutions for selected records where the Scaled setting was ignored.
- Corrected the multimedia file name included when displaying all multimedia in the Multimedia tab image pane.
- Fixed an issue when the auto-incrementation facility is not triggered when globally replacing the values of a unique field.
- Fixed an issue where the file extension of supplementary multimedia in the Multimedia module was not included in the supplementary file Identifier field.
- Fixed an issue where the EMu client would unexpectedly shut down when adding a PDF or PSD file to the Multimedia module and a Convert Registry entry was specified for those document types.
- Reverted the Multimedia tab multimedia display to always initially display thumbnails.
- Fixed an issue where previous report files located in a user's local report directory were not removed when a subsequent report was run.
- Corrected an issue where a field explicitly set to display text in a right-to-left direction in a left-to-right system would only display text left-to-right.
- Fixed a resource allocation leak that, after extended application use, resulted in an unexpected shut down with error messages like Canvas does not allow drawing and / or The handle is invalid.
- Fixed an issue where the server-side auditing facility could fail with the log message Can’t kill a non-numeric process ID…
- Fixed an issue where the server-side auditing facility could fail with the log message Use of uninitialized value $DrainPid…
- Fixed an issue where the Editing general option on the Options box Editing tab would revert to the overwrite option if the Editing tab was revisited after the option was changed.
- Fixed an issue where the Registry module Module menu item under the Ribbon File menu was empty instead of containing a list of all of a user's open, favourite and accessible modules.
- Removed the incorrect requirement for report design (
) privileges to add a new Scheduled Export. - Corrected the display of Unicode in the HTML display control used, for example, on the Narratives module Narratives tab and on the Field Help module Description tab.
- Fixed an issue where the error Column operation performed before row has been accessed. (Number -31) would occur when closing the application with an open module in New mode.
- Fixed an issue where the application could exit when using the Sites module GEOLocate Save to your application button if the Lat/Long tab had not previously been visited.
- Fixed an issue where spell checking would continually replace a Not Found word if that word also appeared in the Replace With word(s).
- Fixed an issue where the modified time of report files shown in the Report Properties dialogue could be incorrect by 2 hours.
- Fixed an issue where the log files associated with a long-running Scheduled Operation (e.g. an Image Import) were not all added to the Result Files section of the appropriate Operations module record when the operation completed.
- Fixed an issue when uploading a modified report file that resulted in the uploaded file being corrupted and as a result the report would not run.
- Fixed an issue where the background of the icon displayed in the Reports list view Title column was black on Windows 10.
- Fixed an issue where notifications were not sent when EMu server date format used text months (e.g. 25 December 2019 rather than 25/12/2019) and the server data order was not day-month-year (dmy).
- Fixed an issue where incorrectly spelled words in Rich Edit controls containing more than one line of text were not highlighted correctly.
- Fixed an issue when opening a module with the Save Last Size Display option specified that resulted in the error System Error. Code: 1400. Invalid Window Handle.
- Increased the row length available to store audit information.
- Fixed an issue where the last character in the Audit module Summary field was not displayed.
- Fixed an issue were Rich Edit controls that were restricted to a single line allowed multiple lines to be entered.
- Fixed an issue that resulted in the error message “name” attribute is missing when importing reference links.
- Fixed an issue in Insert mode the prevented the display of Rich Edit control background colours.
- Fixed an issue where the embedded GEOLocate client would not display correctly when Internet Explorer options are limited to the local machine via the
Windows Security_HKLM_only
registry entry. - Fixed an issue where the contextual Field Tools Ribbon tab would not display for read-only fields even when the View Attached commands were available.
- Fixed an issue when attached objects removed from an Exhibit Event record that didn’t have a corresponding Exhibit Objects record resulted in the error TexAPI Error: Internal Error: evdelete: Bad Delete tree. (Number -1) at offset 0 when the record was saved.
- Suppressed the logging of unnecessary Bad sort order value messages by the server-side
utility. - Fixed an issue that prevented pasting values into Link Grids controls.
- Fixed an issue that caused warning messages about uninitialized values to be included in the output of the server-side
utility. - Fixed an issue where Rich Edit controls associated with a Link Grid control did not display the correct data when the Rich Edit was first shown.
- Fixed an issue where an Argument out of Range error could occur when viewing Catalogue records where Tab Switching was based on the object type, the object type was an archive and the Archive tab was visible.
- Fixed an issue that prevented the generation of Locations module summary data in multi-lingual environments.
- Fixed an issue that caused unnecessary duplicated rows in double nested tables when using the Merge Records Scheduled Operations type.
- Fixed an issue that resulted in an error being reported when running the Multimedia module PowerPoint Image reports when reporting on non-image multimedia.
- Fixed an issue where values entered into an empty HTML display control (e.g. on the Narratives module Narratives tab) were lost if the tab containing the display was navigated away from before the record was saved.
- Fixed an issue where an erroneous value could be inserted into the focused grid row after sorting a column of the grid and that column was associated with a Lookup table.
- Fixed an issue that resulted in an error when setting Format Registry entries for client-only columns.
- Fixed an issue where attempting to use the scroll bar of the module window Field Level Help resulted in the field level help text being cleared.
- Fixed an issue where ADO reports including multimedia with an apostrophe in their file name did not display correctly.
- Fixed an issue where clicking on a Tree View node expand / collapse button did not cause the node to expand or collapse on a scaled display.
- Fixed an issue where the circa date functionality could be invoked even when circa identifiers were not specified.
- Fixed an issue where the highlighting of misspelt words was incorrect in Rich Edit fields containing multiple lines of text.
- Fixed an intermittent access violation error when the loading of a large Lookup List was cancelled.
- Fixed an issue where the Thesaurus Browse View did not display the current record when the Always show record setting was active and automatic sorting of search results occurs.
- Fixed an issue where the visibility of the Thesaurus and Archives Browse Views was not retained between EMu sessions.
- Fixed an issue where the Command Centre could not be fully resized after adding Favourite modules.
- Fixed an issue where a blank area displays at the bottom of the Command Centre window after removing a favourite module when the Modules section is collapsed.
- Fixed an issue where the Command Centre Favourites section does not display all added modules and does not resize correctly when expanded after adding modules when the Favourites section is collapsed.
- Fixed an issue where a blank area displays at the bottom of the Command Centre window after resizing the window when the Modules section is collapsed.
- Fixed an issue where Command Centre hints were not translated after changing the prompt language.
- Fixed an issue in the Command Centre where dragging and dropping a module onto the Favourites section does not add the dragged module to Favourites when the Favourites section is empty.
- Fixed an issue where users other than the owner added to the Security access permissions of a group were not saved.
- Fixed an access violation error that would occur when closing a module window while a grid context menu was being displayed.
- Fixed an access violation error when deleting a row from a Link Grid that contains non-visible columns.

Release Date: 02 July 2018
- For Windows 10, Windows 8.1, Windows 8, Windows 7
- Texpress 9.0.01 or later
- TexAPI 6.0.012 or later
- Perl 5.8.8 or later

The EMu User Interface has been updated while retaining and, in some cases, expanding existing functionality:
Changes include:
- Updating the style and colour of controls.
All user interface elements have been updated with a modern, flat design. This includes the removal of 3D elements such as drop-shadows and bevels.
- Adding a configurable Favourites section to the Command Centre.
- Increasing the base module window size to make better use of larger / higher resolution monitors.
- Replacing the main menu and toolbars with a Windows ribbon interface.
- Moving the tabs list from a horizontal list at the bottom of the module window to a vertical list on the left of the module window.
- Replacing icons.
- Increasing the white space between controls.
- Changing the default font to Tahoma.
Some notable changes are described in more detail below:

The styling of the Command Centre has been updated and a Favourites section has been added. Users can add, remove and reorder modules within the Favourites section. All available modules are always displayed in the Modules section and both sections are collapsible. For example:
All customizations to the Command Centre are saved and restored again on login.
Note: The Command Centre can now only be displayed in a vertical orientation with images and text displayed.
More details about the Command Centre can be found here.

A Windows Ribbon has replaced the menus and toolbars previously in use in EMu. A Ribbon provides a user experience that is similar to a combined menu and toolbar. Commands are organized into a series of tabs at the top of the module window similar to a menu interface. Each tab contains multiple commands grouped by functionality and with an associated image similar to a toolbar. For example:
A Ribbon has a number of advantages over a menu / toolbar combination, including:
- Better command discovery.
Using a ribbon makes commands easier to find and understand by having self-explanatory labels, grouping of related commands with a common label and, particularly, tooltip help for each command.
- The Quick Access Toolbar (QAT) provides a simple user-configurable toolbar. Any function or group of functions can be added to the QAT.
- Contextual tabs provide access to functionality that can only be used in specific circumstances thereby reducing unnecessary visual clutter.
The Ribbon interface allows for basic customization. Users can:
- Customize the QAT position: locate it above or below the Ribbon.
- Customize the commands or groups of commands available in the QAT.
- Set the Ribbon state: expanded or minimized.

Module tabs now appear as a vertical list on the left of the module window instead of a horizontal bar running across the bottom of the module window. Functionality has been added to allow users to reorder tabs within the list (by dragging and dropping a tab name to a new position) and the Shortcuts View facility is now available at all times in the same pane as the tabs list.
This has a number of advantages:
- It is easier to navigate between tabs as most tab labels can be seen without scrolling.
- The tabs list is visible in all screen modes.
- The length of the tab label text is not restricted.
- It provides more vertical space for the tab window.
More details about the Tabs and Shortcut panes are available here.

The location of Field Level Help within the module window itself has changed so that it is now the last element within a tab instead of appearing beneath the module window. For example:
More details about displaying Field Level Help within a module window are available here.

It is possible to rearrange the list of tabs by dragging and dropping a tab name to a new position in the list.

The GEOLocate embedded web client provides an interface for Geo-referencing natural history collections data.
This facility adds a new tab, GEOLocate, to the Site module. The tab displays the GeoLocate web client interface:
When the tab is displayed, locality information from the Sites module record is automatically supplied to the GEOLocate client for georeferencing. Georeferencing information supplied by the GEOLocate service can be saved back to the Sites record and viewed on the Lat/Long tab.
More details are available here.

The EXIF Orientation metadata tag is now respected when displaying images.
When generating resolutions EMu automatically orients them correctly and updates the EXIF Orientation tag for the resolution to reflect the change in orientation.

Support has been added for the EXIF BodySerialNumber, CameraOwnerName, DateTime, InteroperabilityVersion, LensMake, LensModel, LensSerialNumber, LensSpecification, PrintImageMatching, RecommendedExposureIndex and SensitivityType image metadata tags.

- Fixed an issue where the Thesaurus module Browse View would not display or load correctly when the Thesaurus module was cached.
- Fixed an issue when changing Default Values (using the Edit>Default Values>Change menu option) where the error message Class TListView not found was displayed.
- Added support for Unicode characters to the Login Message dialogue box.
- Fixed issues where Unicode characters were not displayed correctly for the Default Values, List Setting, Page Setting, and Shortcut Setting default item.
- Fixed an issue where accented characters in the List View header that are pasted to another application are replaced by the Unicode replacement character �.
- Fixed an issue where Unicode characters did not display correctly in the Image Display tooltip.
- Fixed an issue where Unicode characters did not display correctly in the Sort Summary output.
- Fixed an issue where changes to the Exhibit Objects module Notes field could not be saved.
- Fixed an issue where the Thesaurus module would be launched twice when inserting a value into a Thesaurus-controlled field using a Lookup List.
- Fixed an issue where more out of licence warning emails were being generated than necessary.
- Fixed issue where Extended Data (displayed when selecting the View>Thumbnails menu option) did not display in the Trap and Trap Events modules.
- Fixed issue preventing IMu server from starting on older Perl releases.
- Fixed an issue where the Scan Image option (displayed when right-clicking on a multimedia field) was not disabled when appropriate.
- Fixed an issue with the
utility where multimedia file names containing non-ASCII characters would be incorrectly reported as missing from Server. - Corrected support for the EXIF GPSIFD image metadata tag.
- Corrected the name used for the IPTC tag with id 62 when generating Multimedia image metadata: the name should be DigitalCreationDate not DigitalCreationTime.
- Fixed an issue where media resolution information (i.e. width x height) did not display in the Launch Media or Save menus options available from the Multimedia menu or when right-clicking on media.
- Fixed an issue when running in EMu Search mode where the quotes surrounding the values inserted by the Edit>Insert>Current Date and Edit>Insert>Current Time menu options were not escaped when running against Texpress version 9 or greater.
- Fixed an issue in List View mode that allowed the user to move past the last row of a matching set when the matching set contained false matches. This resulted in an End of File error.
- Corrected an issue where the Merge Scheduled Operation could affect more records than intended if the list of Records to be Merged with Target included a blank row.
- Fixed an issue where an Invalid date format error occurs when recalling (via the Record Recall facility) a value from a double nested date column.
- Fixed an issue where the Scheduled Exports Secure transfer to another host (SFTP) After Export facility could fail with the message Connection closed.
- Fixed an incorrect column name for Gallery clients only that resulted in the error: Unknown column name “RefBibliographicNotes_tab”
- Fixed an issue where a duplicate value could be saved to a unique field after initially being rejected.
- Fixed an issue in Search mode where values in Lookup List hierarchies were not being correctly filtered for multi-lingual clients when displaying all languages.
- Fixed an issue where the Locations module Summary Data was not including the Location Code field value.
- Resolved an issue where generated multimedia images could be incorrectly oriented.